sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2015


Fear of finding my home lights turne don in the night.
Fear of not being what I’m supposed to be.
Fear of being someone different.
Fear of having to break a promise.
Fear of crowded places.
Fear of silence.
Fear of receiving big welcomes when I see my parents.
Fear of not having a destiny.
Fear of hugging a friend with a sad face.
Fear of laughing when someone cries.
Fear of being at home in a sunny day.
Fear of not learning enough, but still fear of the unknown.
Fear of hearing a door closing.
Fear of being scared.

And fear of fearing nothing.

domingo, 20 de septiembre de 2015

Lisboa as a capital city

Whenever you imagine a capital city of any country you think that it should be enormous, full of national people and with a lot of different big business companies on it. But this isn’t always like that.
Actually, this summer I’ve visited Lisboa, capital city of Portugal, and after I spent some days there I realized that it isn’t a common capital for some different reasons.
First of all, I’ll speak about its shape. Although Lisboa is the capital of a not small European country, it is as big as Murcia can be and it has only a few more registered inhabitants. In addition the city was built on the top of eight big hills, making it be full of ramps that can be frustrating if you try to go for a walk.
Moreover, cultural places do not stray from fiction. The whole city seems to have been built to look like a “Disney Castle”, it isn’t realistic at all. Inside the big beautiful buildings there’s nothing but dust, only a few national people live in the middle of the capital and that’s the main reason why most of the buildings are just empty. The only people that you can find in the center of Lisboa are foreigners admiring the views that this “plastic city” offers them.
Apart from that there’s something else that claimed my attention. There, meals were amazingly common. In some other capitals were I’ve been, modern food used to be present on most of the big restaurants, but in Lisboa its traditional highly spiced food and its delightful cod was the main dish wherever I went.

Despite all I said Lisboa isn’t a bad city at all. If you go there for a few days you’ll enjoy and admire it, the problem is that you won’t enjoy the capital as much as you could because the whole city emits a false blinding shine that hide the most important and beautiful buildings.

sábado, 19 de septiembre de 2015

New technologies

Currently, technologies are totally necessary in our common life. They appear everywhere: in medicine, transport, entertainment, studies... Its easy way to be used help us to do things that could cost us days or just be impossible in only a few minutes. But although new technologies can be really useful in that way, they can also be amazingly destructive for people who don’t use them correctly. The fact that people lost a huge capacity of memorizing is a big truth. Mobile phones, computers or even our watches are able to do or remember everything that our mind doesn’t want to do and this is creating a big addiction in the youngest people who, nowadays, can’t live without an internet connection. There isn’t other option than to teach all children at school how to use new technologies with brain to make its use productive and not a problem to solve.